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Telford Mining Memorial

Telford Mining Memorial

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Telford Mining Memorial

Unveiling the Telford Mining Memorial

The 'Granville Boys' and family members unveil the long awaited Mining Memorial.

On Sunday 19th March, 2023 the Telford Mining Memorial was finally unveiled in front of a large crowd of former miners, their families and friends. It has taken over twenty years of trying, planning and fund raising, but the 'Granville Boys' finally brought the dream of a mining memorial to honour all the men, women and children who worked in the Coalbrookdale coalfield to 'life'.
The 'Granville Boys', Malcolm Peel, Stuart Braddock and Cliff Hewitt, all former miners at Granville Colliery (the last deep pit in Shropshire, which closed in 1978) deserve the credit for realising their dream. Sadly, Malcolm Peel passed away last year, so his wife Kath along with Stuart Braddock, Cliff Hewitt and their grandchildren took part in the unveiling ceremony.

Dedication plaque on the memorial

Dedication plaque to all those who worked in the local coalfield.

Thank you plaque

Plaque honouring all those who helped bring the memorial to fruition.

Granville Boys and family members

'Granville Boys' Stewart Braddock and Cliff Hewitt (right) with Kath Peel and Ray Matthews (designer of the memorial).

Miners grandchildren

Children of the miners, helping with the unveiling.

Former Miners

A group of former Granville miners at the ceremony - it was an impossible task trying to get they to stop joking and looking in the same direction!

The unveiled memorial

The Telford Miners Memorial

News Item


Miners hat with candle and lens




Miners tub


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© Shropshire Caving & Mining Club. Last updated: 03-Feb-2025