We are an active group of people interested in the exploration and study of mines and caves in Britain, Europe and ... well anywhere actually!
For contact details, membership form and to find out more visit our About Us page
We support the Midlands Cave Rescue Organisation (MCRO)
Nineteen Club members made the trip to Cornwall to attend the conference (some were involved in the organisation) and extended their stay to the following week with multiple activities on most days!
Club Chair Gareth also organised a number of underground and surface visits around the NAMHO programme for members to join.
This years conference was organised by the NAMHO Committee with the theme of "Tin, Copper, Gold ..." to reflect Cornwall's long and extensive mining history.
Sadly there was no sign of the lectern made by Andy Harris for the 2021 Conference and used at the last 2 conferences, did it break down on the way to Redruth?
The Club display at the Ironbridge Archaeology Day, Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron in 2023. (Kelvin Lake)
David Poyner and Kelvin Lake are intending to take a display of Club archaeology work to this event hosted by the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust at the Museum of Iron, Coalbrookdale (sponsored by the Association for Industrial Archaeology). With over 60 years of Club activities to choose from it is very difficult to decide what to feature on the display!
A number of ‘new’ photos of work undertaken by the club in the past year or so are likely to appear this year, but we won't be taking the tramway rails and wheels - mainly to save our backs when carrying them up to the top floor of the Museum of Iron!
Club Chairman Neal Rushton about to lead a trip into Landing Level, Snailbeach.
The Club along with the Shropshire Mines Trust and Shropshire Bat Group put on a number of activities over the weekend for members of the public. Ranging from underground trips, to surface tours and activities, plus demonstrations.
On the Saturday evening members of all three organisations came together for a social event in Snailbeach Village Hall. Luckily, as the thunderstorms broke out the public events had finished - Snailbeach also managed to dodge the worst of the rain.
See the News page for more pictures
Exploring underground for over 60 years
Warning These pages are under continuous development, so beware of false links, and blind headings .... !!
Enter the Labyrinth
.... if you dare !!!
or be an Armchair Caver!!